On August 12, 2024, faithful from diverse Light of the World congregations from the Republic of Honduras arrived in San Pedro Sula to participate in the activities of the Holy Convocation, whose main objective is the commemoration of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Supper.
That day, a Welcoming Ceremony was held for the faithful of The Light of the World congregations gathered at that location. In an orderly fashion and properly formed, the delegations joyfully passed through the central aisle of the temple as they were called by the presiding minister. “Welcome!” he said to each delegation that passed by, carrying flags and expressing their joy at being present at the Holy Convocation festivity.
From that day on, in remarkable unity, families listened to sermons based on the apostolic doctrine, demonstrating attention, respect, and interest at each prayer service, reflecting on the spiritual counsel imparted in each biblical topic to aid in their spiritual preparation to participate at the Lord’s table.
After each prayer meeting, families took the opportunity to view the photo gallery, which displayed images of temples and various Holy Suppers celebrated in Honduras and other nations.
On August 13, baptisms were officiated for those whose hearts embraced the faith in Jesus Christ. They each manifested their acceptance of the gospel of Jesus Christ by responding “Amen” while raising their right hand. Then the ministers baptized them in the name of Jesus Christ, immersing them in water according to the biblical commandment.
The dawn of August 14 brought great joy to the faithful. They knew that the day of sublime blessing had arrived, and their hearts rejoiced exceedingly. Thus, they made their way to the sanctuary to be present for a prayer meeting of meditation, hours prior to the commencement of the Holy Supper.
In the afternoon of that day, the special worship service began, where the choirs and all the brethren offered praises to God, recalling the painful moments that the Lord Jesus endured before and during His redemptive sacrifice.
A memorable moment occurred when the apostolic delegate read a letter from the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Naasón Joaquín García, whose words were lovingly received in the hearts of those gathered.
Immediately afterward, while the gathered savored great spiritual joy, the apostolic envoy blessed the bread and asked the deacons to distribute it to each of the faithful. Then he blessed the cup, and invited the deacons to distribute the wine to the awaiting brethren, representing the blood of Christ. The members of the family of faith partook of the bread and the wine with piety and devotion, thereby strengthening their souls.
In the Farewell Ceremony, the fraternal spirit among the faithful was once again evident as they embraced one another. Prayers were also offered for the authorities of the entire world, particularly for those of Honduras. Thus concluded the celebration of the Holy Supper, which was conducted in peace and freedom.