Celebrating National Independence across Latin America and Beyond

Sep 16, 2021 | Stories

The Light of the World is a Christian-based faith with millions of members spanning across continents and nations. We understand that cultural and ethnic diversity enriches our world. This is why, today, we want to congratulate the citizens of Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil, Chile, and Nicaragua as they celebrate their nations’ Independence Day.

National independence is a defining point in the formation of our identities, which allows us to exercise citizenship, acting as good citizens promoting peace throughout the world.

In God, our spirit will always be free, but the independence of our nations allows us to put our resources at the service of the cause of our homeland. Freedom of choice is what makes our good deeds find destiny and social purpose. Just as independence gives nations the right to choose their destiny, it also allows us to be responsible for our actions.

It’s important for all of us to act as good citizens on behalf of our brothers and sisters across the world, showing respect, tolerance, and understanding to others as often as we can. As good citizens, we should intercede on the behalf of others – especially those without a voice or who are undergoing challenges. Whenever we can, we should provide those in need with support and resources they lack. Let your independence empower you so that you may empower others!

Today, we urge those celebrating to show gratitude towards their countries for what they have been given. As the scriptures reminds us in Titus 3:1-2, “Remind believers to submit to the government and its officials. They must be obedient, always ready to do what is good.”

Recognition of national independence heightens our sense of social responsibility, instills respect for our ancestors who strove to attain it, and encourages us to value our history and culture. We must choose to use our independence as motivation to give back to our communities, thus fulfilling the teaching referred to in Jeremiah 29:7 “seek the good of the city to which I have deported you, and pray to God for it, for its good will be yours.”

As our brethren across Latin America celebrate their national independence, we urge everyone to stay safe and celebrate responsibly by following all guidelines in place for COVID-19. This is one of many ways we can all use our personal independence to be responsible citizens and make the active choice to keep those around us safe.

Again, we want to wish a Happy Independence Day to all the members who are celebrating their freedom this September! May you use this day to reflect on how you choose to honor your countries, your faith, and those around you.

