Growing congregations: Baptism Ceremony

10 de May de 2024 | Holy Supper Chicago, Illinois, 2024

On the afternoon of May 5, in the beautiful temple located on 65th Street, a special service was held where baptisms were performed for the souls who have been listening to the word of God and who, in full exercise of their freedom of religion, have decided to follow the teachings of JesusĀ  Christ and become part of the Light of the World.

The service was conducted entirely in the English language, this being one of the first churches in the city where prayer meetings are presided in English, inaugurated on July 15, 2021.

In an atmosphere of solemn spirituality, the minister who conducted the baptismal service invited those who wished to be baptized to approach the altar and participate in a profession of faith by raising their right hand and saying amen. In doing so, they affirmed their free acceptance of each of the questions of profession of faith in order to proceed with the ceremony of baptism performed by a deacon of the Church of the Lord, who, by apostolic authority, invoked the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the opportunity of eternal life.

In baptism, each person is completely immersed in water, which represents the blood of Christ, and thus becomes part of the church of Jesus Christ.