The Holy Supper Welcoming Ceremony: Event held prior to the sacred commemoration in Houston, Texas

Feb 14, 2024 | Holy Supper, Holy Supper Houston, TX 2024

On February 12, the Holy Supper Welcoming Ceremony in Houston, Texas, brought together thousands of Christians from the Light of the World congregations across the state of Texas.

The George R. Brown Convention Center, located in the city’s historical district in downtown Houston, served as the gathering place for the 2024 Holy Supper in Texas. In the early morning, the Monumental Choir of Texas, composed of hundreds of voices, began to praise God and His Son Jesus Christ for their blessings.

As the choir sang its songs, symbolic representatives of the countries where the Light of the World has it’s presence, began to line up, each behind its flag, to walk toward the main alter once they were called. At nine o’clock in the morning, the presiding pastor began the ceremony and highlighted the triumphs that God has bestowed around the world.

Afterward, the regions of the world where this community of faith has made presence were mentioned, represented by the flags of the countries of Africa, Central America, the Caribbean, North America, South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

The minister recalled the origins of the Light of the World in Texas in the year 1960, pointing out that it was in the time of the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Aaron Joaquin Gonzalez, in the city of San Antonio where the first baptisms were carried out, and since then the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached in the state of Texas.The minister recalled the origins of the Light of the World in Texas in the year 1960, pointing out that it was in the time of the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Aaron Joaquin Gonzalez, in the city of San Antonio where the first baptisms were carried out, and since then the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached in the state of Texas.

In continuation, the attending delegations from the Texan cities and towns where the Light of the World has made presence, through different congregations and mission churches, were then invited to come forward. The rejoicing and spiritual gladness of those present was evident in this ceremony of communion and fraternity. After welcoming the delegations, a message from the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Naason Joaquin Garcia, was read to the attendees.

In this manner, the Welcoming Ceremony for the delegates in the different congregations of the Light of the World, the celebration of the Holy Supper in Texas began.

At the end of the ceremony, the brothers from Texas fraternally embraced each other, manifesting to society, that within the community, there is a perfect and unbreakable unity which is the result of the bond of love. This was the first day of gathering, the beginning to the days of bible studies and the celebration of the Holy Supper, which would take place on February 14.