Great blessing during the meditation gathering prior to the Holy Supper

Feb 19, 2024 | Holy Supper, Holy Supper Houston, TX 2024

A few hours before the start of the special Holy Supper service in Houston, participants from the Light of the World congregations from different counties in Texas gathered at noon on February 14 for a special prayer of meditation.

The minister highlighted the importance of reflecting on the love of Jesus Christ to give his life in favor of humanity.

He stated that the objective of this moment of reflection, is to conclude the required spiritual preparation that believers in Jesus Christ must make to participate freely of the Lord’s table.

He recalled the biblical teaching that refers:

Therefore purge out the old leaven,

 that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened.

For indeed Christ, our Passover,

was sacrificed for us.


The attendees gathered at the George R. Brown Convention Center showed their gratitude to God for reaching this beautiful day through the songs of the choir, composed of each community of faith, distributed in the state. Also asking God for his blessing to be able to celebrate the Holy Supper.