Houston English Temple Inauguration

May 5, 2021 | COMMUNITY OUTREACH, Others

HOUSTON – On Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., The Light of the World congregation in Houston, Texas held an inauguration and temple dedication ceremony at the newly remodeled temple on Hage Street. This occasion marks the inauguration of the first fully English temple in the state of Texas.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, and for the purpose of social distancing, the event was live-streamed with only a fraction of the congregation physically in attendance. The House of Prayer was inaugurated by the Apostle of Jesus Christ Naasón Joaquín García, represented by Evangelist Pastor Antonio Gaona.

In addition to the brethren from the Hage Street congregation, members from the Houston Central congregation were also present.

Dr. Gordon Melton, Dr. Holly Folk, and Angelica Rodriguez from Congresswoman Sylvia R. Garcia’s US Congressional District 29 office, honored the congregation with their presence at the ceremony.

At the conclusion of the spiritual ceremony, the congregation was invited to the exterior of the temple. There, Angelica Rodriguez, in representation of Congresswoman Sylvia R. Garcia, presented a Special Congressional Recognition to The Light of the World congregation in Houston Hage. This recognition was awarded for the “tireless efforts and dedication to the community.”

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