16 de August de 2023 | Featured, Holy Supper

Thousands of families coexist in Beautiful Province and the other locations of the Holy Convocation. This isn’t a social gathering because the event isn’t for socializing; it’s a gathering of faith.

God’s promise to Abraham was this: “all the families of the earth will be blessed in you,” and that’s precisely what is observed in each and every one of the celebration locations: families whose faith shows to both their own and strangers that they are blessed by God.

Blessed is everyone who trusts in God, and whose trust is in Him (Jeremiah 17:7). That’s what the brothers and families who have come from distant lands to participate in the greatest feast on earth are doing. They traveled trusting in God and remain here trusting in Him.

Regarding this, the Apostle Paul said in his only letter to the Galatians: “So those who have faith are blessed with the believer Abraham” (Galatians 3:9).

Aside from the faith that helps them move forward and not retreat, there are other values in their lives that testify that they are blessed children of God: love, hope, respect, honesty, justice…

At the Holy Supper 2023, the long-awaited reunion of believing and blessed families of God occurred. They hadn’t seen each other in a long time due to the prolonged and deadly passage of the Covid-19 pandemic, but now they have happily reunited in the community of God’s children.

On August 9th, these families melted into a prolonged fraternal embrace at the end of the Welcome ceremony. Tears, smiles, and words interrupted by the emotion of the reunion also appeared during the event.

The presence of each person showed that The Light of the World remains well united, with the perfect unity that characterizes the body of Christ, which is “well joined and united together by every supporting ligament” (Ephesians 4:16).

These families, whose members have accepted the challenge of proving to themselves and others that they are the Light of the World, have the mission to always shine as luminaries in the world, with good deeds, not only in the realm of religion but also socially.

For all the families in the community, both present and absent, taking on this challenge is synonymous with action in their daily lives, proudly proclaiming their principles and values to all.

The parents of The Light of the World have repeatedly demonstrated that they have accepted the challenge. Therefore, their constant instruction for the benefit of their families, which translates into instilling values in their sons and daughters, is highly regarded: “children are a heritage from the Lord” (Psalms 27:3).

The Apostle of Jesus Christ Naasón Joaquín spoke on this topic on the morning of January 7, 2019: “Transmitting Christian principles and values to children: a permanent task for parents.”

Thanks to paternal work in accordance with the aforementioned apostolic guidance, all the brothers who have the blessing of being parents see in their families the faithful fulfillment of King David’s desire: “May our sons be like plants grown up in their youth, and our daughters like corner pillars cut for the structure of a palace.”

Thus, today the parents of The Light of the World take pride in their children, who, through their study, dedication, and diligence, have achieved university degrees in various disciplines: Sociology, Humanities, Law, Political Science, Philosophy, Communication Sciences, Psychology… Of course, the primary pride of these parents is to see their children happy within the community, serving God through faith, and giving the best of their lives for the benefit of their brothers in Christ and society as a whole.