16 de August de 2023 | Featured, Holy Supper

This Tuesday was the conclusion of the activities corresponding to the Holy Convocation 2023, the greatest feast of all the earth.

At the end of the commemoration of the sacrifice of Christ in the solemn ceremony of the Holy Supper on August 14, the brethren who attended this grand celebration of faith, began their preparations to return to their places of residence.

The festivity concluded successfully and without incident as a result of the organization and operation of the event, whose objective was to guarantee the well-being of all the participants through the collaboration of more than 200 police officers.

The successful event was further enhanced by the actions of the community volunteers, as well as the ongoing coordination carried out by more than 30 entities from all three levels of government throughout this festivity.

During the farewell ceremony, the community expressed its gratitude to the authorities and institutions that supported the fulfillment of the religious event through various means and at all times.

Amidst hugs, tears and encouragement, the faithful gathered in the venues said farewell to the celebration of their reunion, which united them again after many years of pandemic.

After having participated in the Holy Supper and having received various teachings, the brethren returned to their places with joy, as well as enjoying the fraternal fellowship with brethren from different nations, races, cultures and languages.

Starting on the 15th of august, the buses that transported the brethren to the city of Guadalajara, will return them to their places of origin. Many will return by plane to their countries, where they will continue proclaiming to the souls the high values of the gospel of Christ. Meanwhile, their brethren in the city of Guadalajara will resume their prayers in favor of those returning to their places, until they know that all have arrived safe and sound.