Honoring a Different Kind of Hero

Honoring a Different Kind of Hero

In a year like 2020, where humanity has endured the challenges of a century, heroes in a range of industries have been at the forefront of our nation’s gratitude.  We have not only been inspired by nurses, doctors, and essential workers, but also by those taking...
Supporting Foster Youth During the Holiday Season

Supporting Foster Youth During the Holiday Season

Days before Christmas, members of The Light of the World congregation in Huntington Park organized a donation drive of clothes, personal items, and toys for former foster youth transitioning to homes in LA County. Members of the congregation spent numerous hours...
A Thankful Meal

A Thankful Meal

Health care workers, Nurses, Fire-fighters, First Responders, and Police Officers make valuable contributions in their communities.  Having been recipients of the service provided by these dedicated individuals, Joel German, member of the congregation in Houston,...